
supra shoes on sale-19 useful tips for life

1. Eat spicy things, I feel we should be hot die, go out into the mouth and put a pinch of salt, containing about, rinse under the mouth, not spicy;

; 2 yellow teeth can chew after the peanut in your mouth and brush your teeth for three minutes, is very effective;

3. If a small area of ​​skin damage or burns , burns, cast a little toothpaste, can immediately stop the bleeding pain;

4. often mounted inside the cup of tea the tea leaves ugly stains, wash with toothpaste, very clean;

5. eyedrops slightly upward, mouth, eyes so that chaos will not blink;

6. mouth there are ulcers, use of vitamin C attached to the ulcer, ulcer, etc. It basically melted like;

7. eyes into the small dust, close your eyes and cough hard few, the dust will be out on his own;

8. washing the face, stick a finger in some fine salt on both sides of the nose gently massage, then rinse with water classic christian louboutin pumps, blackheads and acne will be cleaned, the pores have become smaller;

9. just been completed when the mosquito bites, apply soap will not itch;

10. If the throat, inflammation of the gums supra shoes on sale, and at night watermelon cut into small pieces, dipped in salt to eat, remember that it must be night, when the symptoms will be reduced, like the next day ;

11. hair dryer blowing against the label supra tk society patent grey, such as blowing hot glue marks, you can easily peel off the label;

12. Travel with clothes to fold if the fear of pressure, clothes can be rolled into each volume;

13. hiccups when playing drink vinegar, pole See film;

14. eating smelly things, such as garlic, tofu, and eat a few peanuts like;

; 15. cough, dry cough especially at night before going to sleep, with pure fragrant sesame fried eggs, oil up slightly more, have not put any seasoning, hot eating and went to sleep, ate a few days effect is obvious;

16. wrists like a long thick MM bracelet with smaller, you can not take hard, should put a plastic bag on the handle and then put on bracelets, very good band, not hurting the handle, remove is the same way;

17. chestnuts difficult to peel the skin, first shell off, then put it microwave ovens turn about, come up with a twist while hot, skin and lost;

18. flowers, the drop of detergent in the water, can be maintained for several days ;

19. the walnuts into the pot and steam for ten minutes, then broke down out on the cold water, you can remove the entire Peach kernel of;

