
cheap supra shoes for sale-Teach you how to give birth to a beautiful baby , afraid of the future ca

This total includes four articles
1. teach you how to give birth to a beautiful baby
2. a man's life and how best to birth a son
3. good enough for a lifetime Vitamin ABCD
4. girls, come to save you the [pelvis]!

here, I tell you a secret: women during pregnancy, if there is conscious eating certain foods, her unborn child's growth and development will play an unexpected subtle the role of science and deployment of sophisticated diet, can help you to exceed and to get rid of defects, a bed of roses to help you give birth to a beautiful baby.

diet tips will allow you to have a beautiful baby
; we will prenatal and postnatal care guidelines, one by one to introduce you to the appropriate diet solutions.
improve partial black skin color bias
some black parents, pregnant women can be more eat foods rich in vitamin C. Because vitamin C on skin melanin interference effects, which can reduce melanin deposition in the future babies delicate skin white and tender.
these vitamin C rich foods are tomatoes, grapes, oranges, cauliflower, melon, onion, garlic, apple, prickly pear, jujube and other vegetables and fruits, particularly apples the best. Apple is rich in vitamins and malic acid, eat to increase hemoglobin, not only make the skin becomes thin white Hongnen, more women of anemia has an excellent tonic effect, is the fruit of choice for pregnant and parenting.
farewell rough skin, rough skin
If parents, pregnant women should always eat rich vitamin A, because the vitamin can protect the skin epithelial cells, so that future child's delicate skin and shiny. Such foods such as animal liver, egg yolk milk, carrot, tomato and green vegetables, fruits, nuts and vegetable oil.
foster shiny glossy black hair
If parents early white hair or slightly yellow, off. So, pregnant women can eat more foods containing vitamin B family. Such as lean meat, fish, liver, milk, bread, beans, eggs, seaweed, walnut, sesame, corn and green vegetables, these foods can make a child improve hair, not thick, black, and shiny gloss.
If parents a head is not high, you should eat foods rich in vitamin D. Vitamin D can promote bone growth, prompting the body increased, this effect especially for his baby, the baby is most obvious. Pregnant women should eat more during pregnancy, iodine-rich foods, such as kelp and other marine products, to complement the needs of the fetus to iodine, to promote the synthesis of fetal thyroid gland, is conducive to a good fetal brain development. Particular type of food is the best kelp, seaweed is rich in protein, fatty acids and calcium, iron and other trace elements. Not only can eat kelp iodine, can also promote metabolism, increase body resistance to infection, play a role Bunao brain.
good vision
poor vision or myopic Parents often have such worries baby on their genetic eye diseases. In this case of pregnant women can eat more foods rich in vitamin A, such as animal liver, egg yolk, milk, cod liver oil, carrot, apple and so on. Especially in the liver vitamin A is the largest carrot can also promote an increase in hemoglobin, thereby increasing the concentration of the blood, is commonly used in nourishing our people share.
other pregnant women in the diet during pregnancy should also note the following points in life:
After three months of pregnancy, fetal brain cells and fat cells of the During this period, pregnant women must pay attention to increase the protein, phospholipids, and vitamin intake, you should eat milk, eggs, lean meat, liver, fish, beans, products and vegetables to ensure adequate food supply, soy help fetal mental development.
calcium and vitamin D intake should be sufficient. Pregnant women, severe calcium deficiency may affect fetal bone, teeth, composition, and may even lead to fetal abnormalities. Note added iron and other trace elements, should eat vegetables, shrimp and so on.
honey for pregnant women is an excellent health care, pregnant women often eat honey, not only to complement a variety of nutrients, but also through the moistening it, so that pregnant women feel happy and enhance the body's digestion and absorption.
some food unfit for consumption for pregnant women, such as: raw chilled foods such as bananas, stone flowers, wood and other children; spicy food such as: cinnamon, pepper, cloves, pepper; impact of functional foods, such as water chestnut, rabbit meat, fern, large hemp seed and so on.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< br> men must see, must know ------- This is the best opportunity to understand your own
childbearing, the continuation of human events. Previously, people are basically locked in his wife, who this task, but in fact her husband is also a pivotal one, so there are men about family planning, some of the male reproductive knowledge is very necessary.

men do not cap

childbearing age have a saying that you are familiar with it: Rhapsody, a flower, a woman 40 rubbish. After listening to a female friend is certainly uncomfortable radii thriller, but if referring to reproductive capacity, down really have a point, you have convinced yo. Secret is that women have a strict reproductive clock, once the age of 35 years of age or 40 years of age, not only the fertility decline, and fetal birth defects (such as Down's syndrome) will increase the risk, but increases with age resulting chromosome caused by mutations. For over 50 years of age, stop menstruation, ovulation stops, and missed the birth has become an ironclad fact.

man? Is another kind of Do not you see life, 90 years old to have children or even a hundred news have also been reported. Chinese ancient books have long been Abroad is not uncommon, such as Sweden have a live 120-year-old man, 85 years old remarried, and gave birth to eight children; former Soviet Union, one called Ahanheer. Buha Virginia farmers, 112 years old married and have children, this is probably the old man on the birth of the world Guinness record.

not difficult to understand, a man's reproductive life is uncapped. Scientific basis for it? Munich, Germany, 60 to 89-year-old expert in elderly men and 24 to 33-year-old young men called the 20 observed objects were detected by their semen, and made a comparison, the results show that older men's sperm is not aging, but sperm density (on average 120 million sperm per milliliter) was also higher than young people (average per milliliter of semen is only 078 million) a chip. It seems, with a healthy and strong to describe the old man's fertility, is not too much.

key one: man's best growth years

between the ages of 30 to 35 year-old father of children born to the best.

Although men have a father's life-long ability, but favorably health point of view, there are still the best age. To sperm quality, for example, although older men's sperm is not aging, density or even higher, but activity has decreased significantly, but the momentum does not move with abnormal sperm counts increased by 20% the speed of a sperm metabolism The decline in metabolism also generates a lot of waste, imagine the negative impact on future generations.

In addition, men had a 35-year-old, male hormone the body began to decay, on average every year, the amount of their testosterone production fell by 1%. Thus, like women, men have reproductive biological clock, but a man's reproductive clock greater flexibility Bale.

male reproductive biological clock according to the law, the French geneticist who studies have shown Morrison, aged 30 to 35 year-old father of children born to the best. The reason is: a man's sperm quality in 30 years of age reached a peak, and then for 5 years to 35 years of age, after the decline in the quality.

as men age, their sperm, like eggs will not occur as genetic problems, and let eggs greatly reduced ability to conceive. The older man, the worse the quality of sperm, the more genetic variation, disease, strokes provoke disaster more likely. So far has found that about 20 different diseases and the aging father. Thus, men want to father, or as soon as possible as well.

key two: six months after quitting smoking before birth

too much will lead to sperm abnormalities, the same long-term smokers of normal sperm reduction in the number, an average reduction of about 10%. Support those who smoke 21-30 a day, the incidence of abnormal sperm was significantly higher; smoke 30 or more, a higher incidence of abnormal sperm. Longer smoking, the more abnormal sperm, and with the steady decline in the number of normal sperm, sperm motility is also reduced. Colleagues also found that stopping smoking six months after the sperm will be back to normal.

In addition, some people had more than 5,000 pregnant women were analyzed and found her husband smoking 10 or more per day, significantly increased fetal mortality, prenatal; smoking more, the mortality rate will be higher. And her husband smoking women, the proportion of birth defects in children than husbands do not smoke around 2.5 times higher.

Therefore, men should have family planning to quit early, the wife should try to stay away from smoking and the environment.

key three: a drunk to be three months before birth

semen quality in the recent decline in global problems caused by the world's attention. Many experts believe that some men drinking smoking lifestyle is leading to decline in semen quality, reproductive health, one of the main poor. According to many clinicians, a lot of men seek treatment for problem drinking and smoking did not agree that in preparation for birth control before the right can, and ignore this unhealthy way of life stage effects on the body.

studies have found that patients with chronic alcoholism testicular atrophy may occur, resulting in semen quality. Thus, drunk once again for the harm sperm is not a day or two to restore, if you want to return to the sperm quality before drinking at least three months. Experts believe that there are men of family planning, at least three months before the drink after his wife pregnant in order to ensure the health of the fetus.

key four: to son, man to many efforts

According to Japan's her husband by adjusting the appropriate changes in diet or physical activity and energy consumption, it is possible the sex of their children birth control.

results show that: the husband semen is slightly alkaline cheap supra shoes for sale, the wife more than boys; weak acidity, the wife more than a girl; neutral, boy or woman the same chance. If the body has accumulated more acid, a boy born in the Y sperm can than X sperm viability was lost more quickly, in this case the children born to a very few men.

researchers pointed out that her husband would like a boy, should stop the fierce campaign to reduce energy consumption, to maintain the alkaline body fluids; In addition, some of the daily intake should be more alkaline foods such as fresh vegetables, fruit. For a girl, may be appropriate to increase the amount of exercise and often make indoor physical labor, so that a slight acidification of body fluids, and some day you can eat more acidic foods such as rice, fish, meat, poultry and eggs.
couples of childbearing age to optimize the best combination of

eugenics depends on both men and women, it emphasizes the best combination of couples of reproductive age is most critical. French scientists have praised the optimal combination of age is the best: women between the ages of 25 to 30, men 30 to 35 years old; the same time, the best birth to have a husband and wife age difference, that my father than a mother big 6-7 years old or so.

reason: this stage of the women physically and mentally mature, high-quality eggs, the male sperm quality but also in peak condition radii footwear online, and a five-year high-quality, described as perfect match, If pregnant fertility, fewer complications, childbirth high safety, premature, deformed children, and the lowest incidence of Chi Daier, more children born healthy, intelligent.

recent years, the eugenicist who have noticed some Lake, Chai Clain Chomsky's father than the mother, large 18-year-old Marie Curie's parents also vary as much as 14 years old.

a mystery, although in still being explored, but the advantages certainly contributed to the age of two: some older father, intelligence is relatively mature, and passed on to the next generation. password
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~< br> [good enough for a lifetime of vitamins]

dry eye: Vitamin A, carotene
bad breath: Vitamin B6, zinc
teeth are not strong: Vitamin A, calcium, iron
lips dry and peeling: Vitamin A, B2
anemia, hands and feet cool: Vitamin B6, folic acid, iron
fatigue, poor energy: lack of vitamin B1, B2, B6
excessive hair loss, dandruff too: Vitamin A, B6, zinc, calcium
brown hair bifurcation: Vitamin E, iron
black eye: Vitamin A, C, E
appear pigmentation, Melasma: Vitamin C, E, folic acid
wrinkles appear earlier, and more: lack of Vitamin A, C, E, selenium
inelastic skin, dull: Vitamin B1, B2
dry skin, rough pores: Vitamin A, B6, zinc
growth retardation: Vitamin A, B1, B2
poor vision, eyes sensitive to light, dry: Vitamin A, B1, B2, selenium
sweating, night sweats: lack of vitamin D, calcium, iron
purple tongue, mouth rot: Vitamin B3 , B6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~< br> girls, come to save you the [pelvis]! Let your hip bone the way to smaller PP! Boys actually need! Love Rocker his legs have been deformed pelvis, oh! Rocker his legs to stop it!
last night in bed watching
fact, many of us in real life there is a distortion of the pelvic problem, today's young people na, love clever his legs, I am also. There are not walking with the correct sitting posture and so on, will lead us to the pelvis deformation. The most serious is that had a child after the pelvic support during pregnancy are significant, severe deformation, so the birth of a child to become a great ass, and often is, after the birth of a child, mothers will have a series of bm problem, there is now girls are cold hands and feet, what dysmenorrhea, related to the pelvis is not correct. Now you realize the importance of our bodies pelvis, right!
first half of the set is presented in a number of cattle Seoul correction tools, such as some type of correction bandages, body sculpting pants, there are some special cushion and so on. Set is the focus of the second half, make a well-known in Japan zhenggushi his mother is Japanese orthopedic specialist, so he gave us a very simple but very effective in several actions, the effect is soon to see See.
scene, three female stars, there are two birth to a child of the. Before the start of the trial were all their body temperature and the amount of the circumference of the hip bone, so in his guidance, five minutes later, almost everyone around the number of hip bone are reduced by 2 cm! ! ! And the temperature has increased a lot, but then I did it again, did not compare the amount of my hip bone, but I think my body is a bustling, until the feet, super comfortable! Usually I am the representative of cold hands and feet before going to bed have to take a bath, hot into bed to sleep.

start main topic: This action is before going to sleep every day to do
1. Lying on the floor (the bed is too soft), legs spread, shoulder width, feet were placed outside the eight. Hands straight at your sides, relax the whole person. . . Relax. . .
2. Regularly shake your feet and do what we usually say Then you will feel very relaxed here, the pelvis, this action probably like to sit 1 minute.
3. With our arms, our bodies hold up slightly, hands shoulder width, body is straight, then only the heel and palm of the ground. Repeat 2 of the action, shaking legs, say Do 10 seconds.
4. Lie flat, feet outside the eight straight, slowly lift distance of 30 cm with the ground, several 10 seconds, forced down, repeat 3 times. Then, repeat Step 3 above, it is warm, your body begins to feel warmer.
5. Like just now lie flat, within eight feet, lift his legs, was 30 ° with the ground the way, and then hit you hard with each other the second joints of the thumb Bigfoot (Bigfoot is your thumb and foot junction) that joint. Must be hard, although it will hurt, knock look under 10, down. Then repeat.
6. Finally, the focus here! Or just the position, within eight feet, force each other off to Bigfoot thumb, off to try to open the same time within the eight, by the Thigh must be hard! Then maintain this position, lift the legs and the ground was 30 °, tens of seconds, then it is hard to put down, repeat.
OK, done, easy!
You may wish to compare the amount of volume before and after your hip bone circumference, is the stomach, protruding on both sides of the body where two bones, you will feel incredible! ! Of course, this action is only a temporary closure of your pelvis, do not think it will allow the pelvis to do something smaller, I continue to do so a month, will maintain this size. If you are the kind of unconsciously, people have to Rocker his legs, it must do every day to save your pelvis slightly deformed.
back quickly tells her it ~ ~ I wish women were ladies and healthy every day! PS: Do not Rocker his legs slightly! Must be overcome! !

