
skytop supra shoes-Foreigners laugh at Zodiac , the Chinese people ask them stunned

one occasion, a group of Chinese participants received a delegation composed of the European aristocracy activities. Most of them have relatives with the royal family, very knowledgeable and self-cultivation, kind and courteous, but they hide behind a kind of arrogant self-cultivation. Last day of the dinner, may drink more, these behaviors become more aristocratic whims. During the evening, a German aristocrat stood up and said: You Chinese people, how is what Zhu A, dogs, rats ah! As we are Taurus, Leo, Andromeda ... ... you really do not know how to think their ancestors! everyone breaks into laughter, but also with each clink christian louboutin pumps, elegant and completely disappeared earlier.

stands to reason that people call you in the ancestors, you even can not think of it back, at least you can lift the table ah! However, the presence of all Chinese people do not say anything, it may not react. Then there is a Chinese people stood up, with a calm voice: At this time, the crowd slowly quiet down, but the nobility of the face or a look of indifference.

Chinese say: The first group of mice and cattle. Mice of wisdom, hard work on behalf of cattle. Wisdom and diligence must be tightly together. If the light wise, not hard, it would become a small smart; and just hard work, not their brains, it becomes silly. The two must be combined. This is the ancestor of our expectations and requirements of the first group is the most important group.

second group is the tiger and rabbit. Tiger on behalf of brave, cautious on behalf of the rabbit. Bravery and prudence must be done closely together bold but cautious. If the brave left the cautious, becomes reckless, and not the brave radii 420 tops, became timid. This group is also very important, so look at these elite Chinese people, adding: When we expressed cautious when people do not think that China is not brave face.

watching them deep in thought, the Chinese went on to say: the third group is the dragon and snake, on behalf of fierce dragon, snake on behalf of flexibility. The so-called Gang are easy to fold, so just the easy to break, but if only the soft side on the easy to lose assertive, therefore, hardness with softness is our Zuxun.

followed by horses and sheep, horses on behalf of courage, the sheep on behalf of rolls. If a person straight goals for their own interests, regardless of the surrounding environment and will certainly continue to bump and around, not necessarily to achieve the final goal. However, a person to patronize and rolls skytop supra shoes, he may even have no direction. Therefore, the courage of the natures, and must rolls tightly together, which is the ancestor of our fourth set of expectations.

then followed by monkeys and chickens. Monkeys on behalf of a flexible, regular chicken crow, on behalf of a constant. Constant must be flexible and tightly together. If you are light and flexible, there is no constant, no matter how good the policy is not harvested. On the one hand with the stability, to maintain the overall harmony and order, on the other hand there are advances in alternative, this is the most fundamental essence.

Finally, dogs and pigs. On behalf of loyal dogs, pigs on behalf of easy-going. If a person is too loyal, do not know how easy-going, it will exclude others. Conversely, a person is too easy-going, not loyalty, that person will lose the principle. Whether it is the loyalty of a nation, or the loyalty of their own ideals, must be closely combined with the easy-going, so it is easy to maintain a balance of heart.

explanation completed, the Chinese say: Finally, I really want to know the Aquarius, the constellation Sagittarius, etc. reflects what your ancestors on your expectations and requirements? want to enlighten me.

these nobles did not speak for a long time, the audience was silent.

reading to the top, because we are descendants.

