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you beauty who is not on the one hand you want to lose weight, on the other hand can not find a suitable movement? Consider the following several actions, as long as the day before going to sleep for a group, you simply lean out the month 4KG radii straight jacket shoes, waist circumference reduction of 2.5 ~ 3cm, do not hurry along to?
one, first supine leg lift: a group of 30 do 4. >>>> Simply wake up your buttocks

Second, do the closing ass action, to separate the legs, hands flat on the body sides, Bayao up, and also in the 4 Group

three side, one hand supporting his head, a hand bed, do the side leg. Note that the toe down, heel up, the other leg bound in a league together. Do not like her speed so fast, slower, not fierce drip legs to lift. Do not wrong, if done, not acid side ass, you will not do the oh. That each leg 20, the last to lift the stop after a while, back to the other leg, also in the four groups

four supra skytop 3, side leg and done, gently pat Sour place to relax muscles. Oh shoot not all done before, to finish 20 on the pat cheap radii straight jacket shoes, and back to do the side leg lift the other leg.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; belly is so much beauty convex feel dissatisfied with it at night before going to practice the following several actions, the harvest will be a lot of oh.the action by doing the following picture, repeat 20 times a day each action if we continue, will be able to repair a beautiful body!

