
chanel handbags purses-Women to do the top ten stupid marriage ban

Lack most of the world might really regret it later on, whenever we expeditions searching for a long time to find a betrothed life, but as the event goes on, you will find one way or another unhappy. Ten women marriage ban fudge

heart knowing that sisters in the reference!

not capable of before the marriage ten stupid

first warning: Do not let too early to meet relatives

thought, both parents met, to go near that of their own is a good thing, in fact, this is a big mistake, know each other, the habit of living will gradually different, misunderstanding, the more serious who could not understand who would be the last difficult it is your own. The best is the married, the two sides meet again relatives, to keep the state in the best kind! Married less to meet the best! The saying goes: husband's family to develop a shopping preference

before the marriage can not be too fond of festivals father to her mother to buy things, but to his home to her husband, not required.

long way, it will gradually accustomed to her husband to his mother that his father is a normal thing to buy things, the formation of the girls would get married to her husband's family-oriented concept. I suggest that the two sides a holiday gift to buy a copy, go to do marriage habit.

third ring: Do not be too enthusiastic commitment to marriage her husband's family home before the marriage

do not take the initiative to undertake cooking, washing, laundry and other things to her husband, the girls have to maintain a certain modesty, or let her mother that her son's care about you or your family care about them! appropriate to do some, but not too much input!

fourth warning: Do not talk about yourself too much in-laws maiden Then do not intend to do

listener interested, do not talk about his mother and her family to do, bored to talk about TV shows, talk about current events. Their own homes to do, the less the husband's family to know better! Especially those with sisters and brothers, parents who buy a house, who bought a car and more! In the future when you buy a house, car and other things, her mother would be concerned about, you whether her family's funded!

fifth ring: not too early and in-laws that you also meet

line meet again. Seen later, not all day long in-laws, or make them feel that you too care about their son's relationships at home, carrying his point, when the girls would hold.

sixth ring: marriage in the husband's family overnight

never too early to spend the night in the husband's family, the same reason the third ring supra red tk society, worse!

seventh ring: premarital cohabitation as a husband who is known

reason goes without saying it! let people look down on her in- laws christian louboutin boots! many things to catch up with a mother, you're dead!

first Journey: Danian thirty to her husband's family New Year night!

married some time now and spend more time with their parents it! reason with the third ring!

ninth ring: learn to say

when her mother or in the verbal behavior are rude to you or your family time, or made unreasonable demands chanel handbags purses, in time to stop politely, rejected! Do not blindly take patience, to avoid the way. Understand what you even further! Of course they have to civilized, polite! Keeping lady style! Reasonable manner!

Tenth ring: marriage to the husband's family to spend too much side

you had a long day, time to complete, later? example: the younger brother to college money, you sponsor a one thousand eight hundred, the next sister is also something, you give less to trouble myself. Therefore, to maintain uniform development of the best!

Many women have that men have a congenital But with the surging tide of mobile communications, a new set of
< br> most men not accustomed to talking on the phone attached to several minutes, but also getting a telephone in the earnest, of course, more like a woman chatting on the phone. Through a small phone, which revealed the message of love is very rich.

