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1. loans trick, information: 99% of these projects are false, people who sell information to lie to you a few dollars and a large moving paper and ink, a lot of money, why not engage some of his own money with it? About 40 such projects.
2. Network membership make big money: no matter what brand of play, what the seal cover, regardless of which national civil servants to carry out, no matter what the name from, no matter how much money orders to seduce you, you just remember one thing: as long as they want you to to so and so (on line) or how much money the organizers, and then ask you how many letters sent out Youxiang others, then there are hundreds of thousands, millions of money income, it is 100% false. About 100 such projects.
3. in planting: there is no market for traditional Chinese medicine? Hard to say. China on the Chinese saying goes: The information in this regard, particularly in relation to the low for the species (some are free for the species, some of the costs prepaid), high recovery of the project, 99% are fake, who believe that Shuidao Mei. If you deliberately improper number of money, you can try. If there is a sub-department dare not charge you for the kind of supra tk society red, you kind of came out and then sell the herbs to give him seed money to buckle, then he is really. About 60 more such projects.
4. paying jobs: that is the annual salary of tens of thousands of people responsible for recruitment of sub-field, or the recruitment of business executives, or set up branches or set up field offices. All this is a saying, actually tell you how much to pay buy his seed, and then he high recovery, so how much annual income of million. Some tell you how much to pay management fees, he sent you the official seal, approval procedures, set up an office for him to tell you, the business office. In fact, this is for him to tell you to sell products or false information. Like them christian louboutin 85 pumps, set up branch offices is illegal, to the time taken is you. Really set up branch offices in a very strict examination and approval procedures. About 300 such projects.
5. money trick: too many of these projects, most of the fantastic. For example: a piece of paper a pen on a bench, sitting in the street can be a daily income of 200 yuan; Another example: do not need special technology to a cardboard box placed in the street, every day can be income hundred dollars. Another example: a person can make a few million but income is not very clever idea, but a total investment of $ 200 per day can be successful. There are The face of these temptations, you have to be careful. All you heart, little investment, no matter how much effort, you can earn several hundred dollars a month, a few thousand dollars, or even million of the project, 500% false. About 500 more such projects. (Luowei Song's words: I am selling
6. odd technique coup: These projects allow you to practice, there to make you into a god, there are so predictable you become the master, there to make your revenge, and there is so much beauty you can get There you stab someone else, you have a casino Kathrine, there are so you can wear clothes in front of beautiful nude photo shoot, there is writing for medical treatment, a dream therapy. It can be said in this world you can not think of trick, that he has, you want to do and not do something, he can help you do so. These projects, I can only say here Luowei Song: a few dollars to buy some things for feeding the dog also cost more. days can make a large fat diet, there are drugs specifically twins, there can only be cured of hypertension medicine shamisen, etc. etc. as if our country is too not focus on talent, a large number of talented people were buried in the private sector, and who have all been found in such information for these items, do not styled, but can not believe that their strange magic and delay their side, about 100 such projects.
8 new products mail order: In addition to these projects is really the product, most are completely false, or exaggerated, such as: energy-saving burner Wang, intelligent remote sensing prediction instrument, rhythm of life set, instrument, such as human life, most of the state forecast fake products is exaggerated features, about 200 such projects.
9. energy synthesis gas: a series of false techniques involved here, some bad purchase the main raw material or high price (such as EPA, etc.), some cost is too high (such as advertising costs one yuan per kilogram, said 50 cents, while the actual cost of 4 million), or purchase some high price of hard additives (such as ferrocene), and some simply fabrications of technology, they tend to cheat The so-called test reports of some departments, some fake patent certificate, and some show and tell you to go to trial burn (they dare not try burning collection fees, investigation fees, project fees?) and that all are false.
10 straw gasification furnace: the technology does attract many people, even my Science and Technology Commission and other relevant departments are ready to engage, but when they will be drawing to plant engineers, engineers carefully considered, the cheapest The cost to 300 yuan. say in the actual burning is not as good as talking about advertising, TV advertising is just burning up one or two minutes, people can not see long-term use.
11. assembly toy airplane: no matter from what sounded good womens radii shoes, trendy name, it is the most common toy airplane, the modern children without any appeal.
12. jelly processing machines: These machines look very amazing, in fact, it just some of the tools can be used at home with nothing more concentrated.
13. preserved egg processing machine: with the above said, these machines look amazing, in fact, it's just the home of some of the tools can be used together to nothing. but preserved eggs (egg change) in how to little time to make a success? by the chemicals. preserved eggs in the past with the alkali is lime, with less taste is, but when machining with preserved egg is a strong corrosive effect of caustic soda, use large, harmful, taste can be difficult, under the port, but the factory can be explained, more time to eat a little vinegar on the line you say such machines do make you rich?
14. soy processing Machine: These machines look very amazing, in fact, it's just some of the tools can be home together to nothing.
15. classical secret Tips: Guang'an, hundreds of fake Henan Huangchuan and other information published on both the inside published such advertisements, particularly attractive, for example: take one medication should be re-mighty woman hardened to go with you, to do an action, the opponent will be far elsewhere sick, what a paste paper, so good luck to bad luck away. Luowei Song tell you, these prices are astonishingly low in the occult, no one is really.
16. Closer technical development team: technology right magic, in fact, difficult to achieve. even if you have the supernatural ability to Closer, the world went wrong not to do?
17. lottery win Guide: There are many different names, but the lottery is not a pattern. as you throw a coin on the ground, the first is positive, the second is positive, then it already has the second memory to remember the positive, and the third secondary to a negative? That is impossible. This is the world's most elusive What? friends, is the luck!
18. defenses stab in the 108 strokes: the contents can not say it, anyway you look at will be that these data were not selling people !!!。< br> 19. VCD discs film Renovation: machine rough, has no effect, and VCD discs now cheap enough, who are willing to go to your renovation.
20. faucet water heaters: one power, electricity, you can not stand; second is less water , a bath will make you re-frozen into the cold; third is unsafe, wire heating will fire, leading itself short.
21. mention animal blood SOD: technology, however, mainly the products made by < br> 22. small welding production: national manufacturers products do not rely on competition to sell out, your product was to do?
23. feeding the spider: can not play, can not eat, can not be used, who will? < br> 24. Plastic mention petrol and diesel (technically simply on immature).
25. children learning machine (or student Po): The original name of students treasure, has been notorious in the market now and for had a better name, in fact, students did not use, not to mention the so-called learning content which already behind the times.
26. cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum: technology is true, but the price was high, said thousands of times. < br> 27. cultivated Cordyceps: even the most authoritative scientists in the laboratory can only grow once the six-year time to four years.
28. glycoside hydrolase extract: technology immaturity, product no one should , do not believe the words of advertising.
29. chondroitin sulfate extracted: immature technology, product no one should, do not believe the words of advertising.
30. extract calcium phytate: product no one should. < br> 31. synthesis of unleaded petrol, diesel: indeed able to synthesize gasoline, diesel fuel, but simply on cost and performance can not be compared with the normal product.
32. eggs mentioned enzymes: technology immaturity, the conditions can not keep up , who on Shuidao Mei.
33. live toad take clothes: clothes naturally occurring medicinal toad but a long time, it is difficult to find, off the forced use of drugs toad clothing without efficacy, but no purchase.
34. Toy Rockets: The filling pump in order to play, when I ask what children like to play around with the pump? is willing to take, parents do not worry about lost it?
35. energy efficient honeycomb: see below.
36. gas-type honeycomb: and coal-related advertising is much too attractive, but it is meaningless. name of the ever-changing, performance was again high praise, or a honeycomb. do not ignition combustion, not wood no less than the cost reduction with high-energy fuel belong to a type of fraud.
37. environmentally friendly liquid metal alloy catalyst (or called iron changing stainless steel): most Luowei Song I resent even the technology of the.
38. black dolphin feeding China: the role of an animal will not change a name you can sell high-priced seed, this was a special farmers money making formula.
39. asthma, bronchitis cure (Henan flooded ): Institute for the brand name, common in powder mixed in fast stop whooping cough medicine. However, this medicine is severely restricted in China has more than a dozen major newspapers disclosed the matter, the medical Experts are very angry.
40. waterborne paint porcelain light: is entirely exaggerated.
41. strawberry tree: only said one thing is enough to prove that the Chinese company is prepared Lam Lake development in the strawberry tree, thousands of seedlings, the development of new drink, but after their visit in the city Science and Technology Commission deny this project.
42. air generator: is salt water battery, the electrode is necessary to change over a few days, the cost is high, so that users can not afford.
43 . at no cost to call the telephone: telephone carrier is only used for small groups, can not connect with the outside world, and the cost is high, each a hundred dollars.
44. canon: all call do not spend money, spend less, use to steal someone else's long distance telephone, long distance An Shihua hit fees, etc., etc. are false.
45. from the power supply bureau within the occult: information on said the technology is power supply bureau of Jiangxi Jingdezhen person said, is tell you to steal electricity, the meter tell you how to make the reverse, let alone now these techniques have not works, it is that you can use even if you do conscience at ease ? say this Frog: The project is not false, the key is the seed is false.
48. keep white snail: seedlings in Xiangyang County, Hubei, 5 cents each, and sell up to 30 yuan a kind person (pair), also say there is no market.
49. seven thin soup: completely false.
50. a hundred times inside stamp use: brush on the glue in the above, or paste a layer of clear plastic now know the postal sector This method is very angry post office, when all such letters are letters dealing with waste. as well as earn 50,000 -15 million, you can say this is not the most domestic of it? and can spread to every county, every city where there are flow where a person who had never studied computers, half an hour to learn operation, zero risk, who first who should make a fortune, which is actually called you to buy a computer fortune telling, fortune teller, the fingerprint test, test name.
52. > 53. Ancient Mystic Collection: Ecstasy formula; dead resurrection; Krupp heart tea; body of incense; sleep method is speed; cigarettes rule criminals; Pro hard stealth method; prevent people stealing fruit Act; virgin side; male and female mating good and bad; playing mahjong win method, which goes without saying that you know is false.
54. clippings can get rich: a recognition of the major newspapers did not have this going on, information which is false examples of. (In fact, I have been engaged in the past Luowei Song clippings, took only two years out of 20 yuan, species, 95% are false, and the address could not contact.
56. marriage, dating and other information are mostly false.
57. wholesale digital phone $ 150 (some 200): false , this phone are all outdated, no longer used.
58. look at the moon the sun can make money: with a telescope to see the moon, the sun is real, but also to explore the science, but not necessarily use it to make money the.
59. saving the king: first, numerous newspapers and magazines advertising, publicity how good it is, later said that it is false, in the end the victims or the people.
60. card recovery machine: the machine has, to recharge, but only by a password telecommunications staff to operate it effectively, you can charge a charge equal to white.
61. self-defense gun fire: you say a guy carry around so much easy it is to fire it it really self-defense do?
62. five yuan acquisition of old envelopes: the envelope is certainly worth more than this price, no value, how the envelope value of 5 dollars? receive it do?
63. IP multi- Phone: not much effect, because most parts of the country have been opened: violation is not illegal, just tell you: one can only hear ten dollars more than 10 meters, and can hear a few centimeters to a few hundred dollars, if not ill-intentioned, you spend the money doing?
65. Online Gold Guide: Internet is really full of opportunities, but also full of scam, but the integrity of the Internet gold rush can completely a lie.
66. long-term preservative ingredients easy to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables at room temperature 3 - 7 months, which is impossible.
67. br> 68. Arts and the British subjects middle and high school test win - br> 69. colored flowers: flowers on each strain are able to make out five different colors of flowers, magical techniques, applied to any kind of flower, just spend three common types of traditional Chinese medicine or soaking the roots buried in flowers can be very simple, it is more than a sigh. the cost of only a few cents. to impart to the public are absolutely unknown cheats. make flowers as multiplier, which is what many scientists are still testing things.
70 Secret Magic tons of gold - all over the country with a painted face of a waste after 15 minutes, the skin surface pattern began to disappear Road, some time after the skin becomes radiant, young resident of the great feeling. users both men and women face no wrinkles, caring people to make money, buy the materials, in addition to access to the secrets of beauty, but also to be planning to use it to make money idea. so magical? Yes, this is the use of egg shell protein facial.
71. open secret - .
72. IQ deposits rich - off-site investment times higher than the effective way.'s Republic has been, reasonable and lawful as long as the brains of people would not believe it.
73. mini-scan cameras: made it so good, in fact, is a regular monitoring device, the price was 150-200 yuan, and TV with in order to use, and can only watch, can not be taken down.
74. sticky drug - also known as sticky somewhere for drugs or drug like Acacia matchmaker agent, Chuan Miao of Guizhou ancient Chinese herbal medicine formula, non-toxic side effects, and more to lure local girls and couples live with wife, if after eating a stranger, would you have a good impression, never forget, and hope that you became friends and brothers; acquaintances After eating at night and think that you will produce unrequited love and fantasy with you in drawing near, moat side inseparable, as you mercy, unless you must go, lovers get married and if so, the release of this information people may queens of course he can say he was not such a bad conscience, but I do not believe he is a decent person.
75. blind Chinese medicine treatment of hemorrhoids - the side from an old Chinese , blind Chinese medicine (not eating) can be cured, no injections, no surgery, 100% cure, and never relapse, if so, the country's anorectal hemorrhoids hospitals have closed Lo!
76. God, no drugs party rule pharyngitis (Globus) - Many people have pharyngitis patients, the East West medication injections, a lot of money, but no cure disease, which is just great, our department introduced a side of God, do not take medicine , no injections, here God party ten days to heal, no matter how stubborn the pharyngitis patients are completely cured. people do have a lot of prescription, but the prescription is not effective for everyone.
77. shamisen, traditional Chinese medicine treatment high blood pressure - a lot of people have high blood pressure, especially in the elderly, but permanently, I have First Secretary Ministry of Law, shamisen, traditional Chinese medicine can only cure your high blood pressure completely, with hundreds of people a hundred souls you believe it?
78. Satellite television device: In many cities (especially in Wuhan) was placed in the street a TV, a station can not receive, but fitted with a TV, and some have foreign units. to sell the product do people call it This is because the liar in this room near the leased after the illegal installation of a satellite repeater, where the radius of a few centimeters of the television signal transmitter, plug in a regular TV, range, it has not received. scammers are usually a few days for a place.
79. investment dollars, profit 110,000 Technology: '000 Investment is to save a hundred years to the bank that is able to get 11 million of profit.

