
christian louboutin elisa pumps-On air the eighth day of military training

regardless of how bad those old man talked about the story

myself not try to never taste the fruits of less than a fairy tale

some things you can not do

the past because you never thought to do

Some things you can not get

because you've never worked before going to

is for a group

each person to meet the standards are not the same

convergence of these scales in one direction before the

achieve a goal in front is very difficult things

; ; ---- Military the eighth day

The first is the story of Uncle

World of Warcraft is a team game

uncle into the first team is wearing a blue-green when fitted to be called junk Master Master

that started only in those few days a copy of the front bench


watching others a steaming off the equipment into a very tough battle

So those

uncle into this first 25 copies

Gruul's Lair

pioneers first BOSS

I insisted

addition to the soldiers into groups of 23 outside of distrust in the eyes

injury is responsible for making 15 people

liable for personal injury is 5

treatment is five people

results over the wasteland

uncle dressed in a dubbed environmental protection bureau of the equipment maker hurt more than nine

So some people do not speak


playing captain when the Master is still skeptical of his uncle

So uncle still out bench

second child was successfully pulled down

uncle sat quietly in front of the computer listening to headphones inside the cheers of 25 people

I know one day I will be one of them

week after the day the old diva refused to active members

then Tempest Keep Void Reaver wasteland

a night

BOSS down time

an epic mage captain made only the total damage of more than 300 points higher than the uncle

So said the head of this day since you are the main members of the

into this group spent a month

Unfortunately, the limited conditions did not go far


as long as you want

you can do

military eighth day


morning exercises are very happy to play boxing

Although the sun is really

also did not care how

commander busy watching the students personal summary

squad leader and serving the soldiers responsible for teaching

Shuahua only willing to teach the boys squad

teach that one half

male half

female half

serving the soldiers is an honest man

recognize the

So a girl watching a hundred soldiers who Deng Yanjing

During the class period

expressed extreme dissatisfaction with the shoes

requirements monitor teaching

soldiers who have to adjust when the girls by formation over

squad comrades nervous

frozen chicken that would not want the next half of it given to me

see the girls head and turn it back

then I dare say he wanted to die

really a shy child acridine

A total of sixteen strokes


boys 23

nearly an hour to teach seven strokes


head back before the gauze requirements

usually scattered collection that we unconsciously

now he wants to dissolve when we consciously set has been criticized for forced dissolution again

really head of the comrades of this intelligence is debatable

morning march-turn around the playground

the beginning of the designated place

Head of the remote command of Comrade

holding a microphone Wa Wade shouted

helpless comrades battalion lisp head

do not know even the shout of the five or five camps to move forward

confused for a long time

Fortunately, the instructors used

not joke too much trouble

sun is really

endless walk

sun followed them

before we even went to Command Post when the music stopped for a long time

so we only review the morning when there is no music

the head of the person wearing sunglasses give us call 121

result shouted 212


commander said there was no error in the command of Comrade only wrong action


so it was 121

was 212

behind the front is not the same

so some people stopped

for toeing the line when the original chant to call

the results of the previous card

surprised a moment later the head shouted to the right to see

busy riding a goose that no one shouted chant

criticism really is

rest of the time hiding under the shade of other even

and the few we even sat in the sun cheap lv bags,

the soil a little wet grass

not very comfortable sitting

probably can be summed up as this morning

sun gauze square to go head Aoao called

Fortunately, there are theoretical courses

sun to feel the neck a little spicy when


Arbor frozen chicken back to the classroom to see the story about Mao Yeye

blown into a god


Mao Yeye should be heard laughing awake

then blowing all chickens will be frozen Arbor achieved

What is our heavenly

Quartet your worship like the U.S. and Russia to submit to ...


to go back to the bathroom shampoo

met three instructors in the face

comrades watched squad leader asked the uncle of the door you just do not wash it?

company commander and the soldiers who have the nerve to say I did not have to wash in a more healthy

but also two classes of pure presence of students Cheng


so silent

wash back to the classroom


think that when the class went to Granny said Pan translate things

old woman out the door just in time Pan


and company commander to discuss what model

looks like the standard-bearer said the priority was selected

and what did not catch

Pan said, two days before the old lady to say it again ...

do not know what the expression

only new thing is


repeatedly emphasized that

but do not know what expression a

Granny Pan

then end when he

then go contentedly

should be remembered, however, usually spicy uncle to chat and look at the night classes ...

later said

you do not and these people mounted a serious conversation with a straight face

is not military training in this way for?

only embarrassing uncle shook his head

then show tonight and told a few safety

to complete the task to the group ...

NND and how it seems to be a devil with the same ...
afternoon had still queue


commander continued to criticize the boys

did not see a good basic

bad are counted with or without a

All right ..

may be a matter of time

uncle still like the beginning I believe you are a good bum treacherous

Although you always walk in the front ranks

Although you always like to use the kind of looked at us do not trust

there will be some things to himself


was practicing parade

surrounding a person standing there

then call

call Good head / hand good


we can not even simulate the time when the president is serving the soldiers

other instructors with a simulation of the time when heads of state

After the battalion commander to HIGH


Ri Wenji instructors muttering the words good feet

squad leader and soldiers who have laughed all YD

style from the parade to the breakdown has a deformed action

before and after the transfer of two

The first is a three-

to stay in the middle of the head or tail

then became the first head

tail became tail

later found the length of a little excessive

battalion commander came to the review of the comrades that did not leave enough space for the passage

was required to improve

several instructors to adjust the time a slight problem

So we divided into two parts

company is a large crowd

significant trend over the battalion commander, Comrade

personally directed the team to adjust

more unusual intelligence of its people that what

transfer after completing his smiled

deformation from the parade to the breakdown of type Command Post will need a password to go

are cool-looking commander said the rise

so very consciously down the uncle

then more money to the same shoes as the flair of this glorious task

to call when the team started to move forward

also advanced peer teaching

vanguard to mobilize the time, however, hear the password habitually shouted twelve

silly this time in the parade

head and battalion commander tk society supra purple suede, said this looks like both

and battalion commander is nonsense to say that these people are so nervous when the parade will certainly be a conditioned reflex

so they do not call a forward

another command

just not the way forward on the line

battalion commander so that

it was so the

rest of the time said the head of every comrade in their hearts should call the command

then execute

dissolve and do not know the call back is this possible?

end of the second dress rehearsal in the sun

Although already considered


but see the instructors monitor wretched comrades and Ri Wenji to nest in the shade beside the fountain is still a little uncomfortable

After the second rehearsal

look Yin Xiao, the company commander and soldiers who have asked to come over to our squad comrades filled square in the

rogue squad comrades in various ways

Finally, still yield a seemingly

Ri Wenji the foolish requirement that instructors of the same resistance

attitude of the soldiers who have the use of intimidation

soldiers who have also had a resurgence

but still unable to ...

rehearsal toss to half past six is ​​not over yet

canteen aunt who are certainly not strange how the kids to spend

They must be very anxious

not to mention that Uncle had

fact, every time they punch a little shake to see

that direct brush 55 still fresh

course christian louboutin elisa pumps, there is a brush 85 after the balance I am

very pleased to find the soil dry lawn

are harmonious

Debating the head and do not know how long

finally agreed to release the

then end of the day

running back

we even to the cafeteria is still the top three

appetite for meal time not very useful

inside story of that soldier did not want the soldiers who have a simple dinner time to eat can be turned into a super-person

can seemingly lie

always eat so fast

So look around

see some girl's neck and dim white cheeks

silently lamented the great cosmetics

Perhaps this is the trend right

no activity at night

military service wash

look at their hands

palm is sunny

and back to rain

home mom when they can marvel

frolic one night

last day tomorrow

acquired parade

wish all the best

That's all

Thank u.

