
chanel handbags purses-16 restaurant point of the dishes most frequently the practice of graphic

one, Kung Pao chicken family practice
flavor ingredients: chicken breast 250 g of 4 green peppers fried peanuts 50 g onion 2 teaspoons (10 grams) ginger 1 teaspoon (5 grams) minced garlic 1 teaspoon (5 grams) pepper 15 dried red pepper 6
spices: salt, 1 teaspoon (5 grams) cooking wine 1 / 2 teaspoon (3 grams) of dry starch 2 teaspoons (10 grams) rice vinegar 2 tablespoons (30ml) soy sauce 1 tablespoon (15ml) white sugar 2 teaspoons (10 grams) water 2 tablespoons (30ml) water, starch 2 tablespoons (30ml) sesame oil 1 tablespoon (15ml)
1) the size of small chicken breast cut 1cm, add salt (1 / 2 teaspoon), cooking wine and stir dry starch, the pickled for 5 minutes. Onion cut into slightly smaller than the grain chicken, chopped ginger. Diced green peppers.
2) the garlic, onion in a bowl, Sprinkle the salt (1 / 2 teaspoon), sugar, rice vinegar, soy sauce, water, water, starch transferred into the juice aside.
3) hot wok, pour oil, add a little sesame oil, pepper into the cold while the oil until the pepper flavor, color slightly darker, into the chili until fragrant.
4) into the chicken fry color, the green peppers into tablets, stir fry for 10 seconds, a good tune into the feed juice, stir fry 1 minute, pour the fried peanuts can.
winded about:
make this dish, in fact, with the thigh meat tastes better than chicken breast. Carrefour to sell the kind of chicken meat can, the price is not expensive.
need emergency fire road which is stir-fry dishes, so the material in advance to reserve a good tune juice. Otherwise, add spices to the pot as the same, extending the time chicken will taste stiff.
do kung pao chicken, to master a 4689 law, Chicken Scoop put green peppers 4 ripe, mature into the feed juice, 6, 8 mature frying pan, into the dish that is 9 mature , and 1 into a sweltering, you automatically become a 10 ha.

Second, the practice of fragrant Ruannuo Pork
raw materials: pork 500 grams of cinnamon 1 star anise (also called aniseed) 3 ginger 5 red dates 6 (which can also hold)
spices: soy sauce 2 tablespoons (30ml) salt 1 teaspoon (5 grams) of sugar 3 teaspoons (15 grams)
1) the size of the pork cut into 2 cm pieces, ginger slice. Pot into the oil, while oil into the cinnamon and star anise when cool flavor Stir over low heat, after, into the fire, stir into the pork color, continue to stir-fry 2 minutes until the oil.

2) into the soy sauce, sugar and salt, fry all the seasoning mix evenly, continue to stir fry for 5 minutes for color and tasty. Then pour boiling water (water must ha), not seen water to the meat surface, boiled skim foam.

3) into the red dates and ginger, cover, turn simmer 40 minutes, during the pot to pay attention to the water, not enough to add a little boiling water. After 40 minutes open the lid, tune into the fire received soup, this will be a layer of thick rich soup Pork wrapped in each block on Ha.

Note: Many people think that Pork fried candy color is the most important steps to do, but today's young people, it is difficult to grasp, a lot of trouble, but also very healthy. Now generally do braised dishes, like to use the Lee Kum Kee soy sauce, taste good, and burn out bright colors.
in order to make the delicious Pork, Tom received the last fire that step is important, or else, wrapped in thick soup not live without meat, eat no special rich flavor.

Third, the practice of fish-flavored pork
raw materials: pork loin 300 g black fungus 10 shoots 200 grams diced green onion 1 tablespoon (15 grams) ginger 1 tablespoon (15 grams) minced garlic 1 tablespoon (15 grams) chop pepper 4 tablespoons (60 grams)
seasoning: soy sauce 1 tablespoon (15ml) vinegar 2 tablespoons (30ml) cooking wine 1 teaspoon (5ml) sugar 1 tablespoon (15ml) salt 1 / 2 teaspoon (3 grams) sesame oil 1 / 2 teaspoon (3ml) water 3 tablespoons (45ml) water, starch 4 tablespoons (60ml, 2 times with)
1) Shred the pork loin. Black fungus hair with warm water after 40 degrees washed and shredded. Bamboo strips. Cong Jiangsuan mince.
2) the pork in a bowl, mix water, starch transferred after curing for 5 minutes. The spring onion into the bowl, transferred to soy sauce, vinegar, cooking wine, sugar, salt, sesame oil, water and water Stir starch reserve.
3) fire wok and pour into the oil until the oil 7 into a hot time, into the pork stir-fry pork color off after birth, with a shovel shovel to the side of the pot, pour the garlic and chopped ginger pepper, Stir the fragrance, and pork mixture.
4) wire into the bamboo shoots and mushrooms, stir fry 2 minutes, pour a good tune juice, stir fry 20 seconds from the bottom up, until the soup is slightly sticky to pan.

burning wok and pour into the oil until the oil 7 into a hot time, into the pork stir-fry pork color off after birth, with a shovel shovel to the side of the pot, pour the garlic and ginger chop pepper, Stir the fragrance, and pork mixture. Wire into the bamboo shoots and mushrooms, stir fry 2 minutes, pour a good tune juice, stir fry 20 seconds from the bottom up, until the soup is slightly sticky to pan.

Fourth, twice-cooked pork practice
material: pig meat knife after hip two best 500g (basically can not buy, with pork it, you see, we are far away from the authentic one step)
onion 3 cloves garlic 3

a small piece of ginger pepper 15
sauce 2 tablespoons (30g)
sweet bean paste 1 tablespoon (15g) (said with lobster sauce is very authentic, I'm a little dizzy a)
soy sauce 1 teaspoon (5ml)
white sugar 1 teaspoon (5g)
tofu 200g
green peppers garlic 4 of a
(also known as garlic )
chicken little
1) pot into boiling water, then put the ginger and garlic powder shoot, scallion, pepper proudly taste. Add pork, the meat can be rolled to six mature fish, rather than less than not freeze, do not let cool completely before cutting, easily lead to too fat separation. Dip in cold water available will not approach the surface again when hot slice.
2) remove Congjiang Suan and pepper broth after heating, into the cut melon pieces or radish slices cooked, put a little salt and the chicken is delicious,
3) bell pepper, cut into triangles alternate. Tofu cut into triangles alternate. Wash garlic cut into diamond-shaped ramp back. Pixian bean paste and sweet bean paste is ready (or tempeh).
4) Pour a little oil in wok, heat the oil over the oil pan with a spatula wall. Then abandoned, re-enter the cold oil. This role is to pot a layer of film on the cloth body, the pot when the meat will not stick pan. To be placed into the hot oil four meat stir-fried, stir-fry until meat and rolling (commonly known as: Erigeron nest), the bean paste and sweet bean paste into the Pi (or tempeh), then meat sauce and stir fry a few mixed, a little tune soy color, and then transferred to a little sugar flavor.
5) and finally into the tofu, green peppers and garlic and fry off students, transferred to a pinch of salt and chicken, stir fry a couple of buttons.
wordy about:
** around the production of soy sauce and bean paste of varying salinity, pay attention to the actual situation, where appropriate, the amount of salt.
pot into boiling water, then put the ginger and garlic powder shoot, scallion, pepper proudly taste. Add pork, the meat can be rolled to six mature fish, rather than less than not freeze, do not let cool completely before cutting, easily lead to too fat separation.

remove Congjiang Suan and pepper broth after heating, into the cut melon pieces or radish slices cooked, put a little salt and the chicken is delicious,

soaked in cold water ways to make the surface of the meat will not be cut into pieces when hot.
garlic cut into diamond-shaped ramp washed back. Green peppers, cut into triangles alternate.
tofu cut into triangles alternate.
Pi bean paste and sweet bean paste is ready (or tempeh).

pour a little oil in wok, heat the oil over the oil pan with a spatula wall. Then abandoned, re-enter the cold oil. This role is to pot a layer of film on the cloth body, the pot when the meat will not stick pan.
be put into the hot oil four meat stir-fried, stir-fry until meat and rolling (commonly known as: Erigeron nest), the bean paste and sweet bean paste into the Pi (or tempeh), then meat sauce and stir fry a few mixed , adjusting a little soy sauce for color, and then transferred to a little sugar flavor.
finally into the tofu, green peppers and garlic and fry off students, transferred to a pinch of salt and chicken, stir fry a couple of buttons.

five, Mapo tofu approach
material: soft tofu 500 grams minced beef 150 grams (I use the meat) Pixian sauce 40 g 20 g red pepper lobster sauce 5 grams (1 teaspoon) < br> soy sauce 30ml (2 tablespoons) chicken garlic 50 grams 3 grams (1 / 2 teaspoon) pepper noodles 5 grams (1 teaspoon)
1) tofu, cut into 2 cm square blocks, pot down into the water, the fire heating boiling, add a pinch of salt, then the tofu into the pot boiled for 2 minutes, remove and drain backup.
2) heating oil into the wok until hot oil 40% (hands placed on top of the pot, can feel warm) into the minced meat, fried scattered, off dishing out after birth.
3) Pi sauce and tempeh chopped fine (I'm lazy, do not cut), garlic and cut into diamond.
4) once again into the oil pan, heated to 3 into the heat, add Pixian flavor Stir sauce, add red pepper and lobster sauce, Stir marked, the increase amount of broth (or water), pour tofu burn 3 minutes. Then add soy sauce, water, starch, starch once. Then add minced meat, chicken and garlic burn after 2 minutes, then Drizzle water, starch, starch, after the sauce poured into a bowl, sprinkle with pepper noodles can be.

Note: tofu diced, boiling salt water with boiling water, delicate taste of tofu can be maintained, and not fragile. Fried Pixian sauce, you need to warm the oil pot, fried in the fire, it will not fry sauce and red pepper paste.
tofu cut into 2 cm square pieces, pour in the water pot, heat the fire boiling, add a pinch of salt, then the tofu into the pot boiled for 2 minutes, remove and drain backup.

heating oil into the wok until hot oil 40% (hands placed on top of the pot, can feel warm) into the minced meat, fried scattered, off dishing out after birth.

Pixian sauce 40 g 20 g red pepper lobster sauce 5 grams (1 teaspoon)
soy sauce 30ml (2 tablespoons) chicken garlic 50 grams 3 grams (1 / 2 teaspoon)

again into the oil pan, heated to 3 into the heat, add Pixian flavor Stir sauce, add red pepper and lobster sauce, Stir marked, the increase amount of broth (or water), pour tofu burn 3 minutes. Then add soy sauce, water, starch, starch once.
subsequently joined the minced meat, chicken and garlic burn after 2 minutes, then Drizzle water, starch, starch, after the sauce poured into a bowl, sprinkle with pepper noodles can be.

Mapo tofu pan, ha ha

six, hot and sour potatoes, raw silk practice
: potatoes 2 red pepper 1 small chili pepper 8 little chopped green onion 1 tablespoon vinegar 3 tablespoons soy sauce (or hold) sugar 2 tablespoons salt 1 / 2 teaspoon to enhance the flavor, you can selectively add chicken and a little sesame oil.
1) Wash potatoes, cut back on the bottom first, repair flat after flat on the menu board, the first cut into pieces, Houqie Si. Prepare a pot of water, drops a little vinegar, soak the potatoes into the wire for a while, then rinse and drain.
2) pot into heating oil, add pepper, until the smell when you smell pepper (do not fry the pepper paste), turn off the heat, picked up without pepper.
3) again to open fire until the oil temperature 7 into hot, add red pepper, add chopped green onion smell after a spicy saute, then stir into the potatoes wire fry 2 minutes. Transferred followed by vinegar, soy sauce, sugar and salt fire fry 1 minute, add green pepper and continue to fry wire about 1 minute.
Note: After potatoes cut wire, into the vinegar water immersion, in addition to black to avoid oxidation in the air, but also ensures crisp taste, not fried long weak.
Wash potatoes, cut back on the bottom first, repair flat after flat on the menu board, the first cut into pieces, Houqie Si. Prepare a pot of water, drops a little vinegar, soak the potatoes into the wire for a while, then rinse, drain

a little red pepper chili pepper wire eight little chopped green onion

pot into heating oil, add pepper, until the smell when you smell pepper (do not fry the pepper paste), turn off the heat, picked up without pepper.
again open fire until the oil temperature 7 into hot, add red pepper, add chopped green onion smell after a spicy saute, then stir into the potatoes wire fry 2 minutes. Transferred followed by vinegar, soy sauce, sugar and salt fire fry 1 minute, add green pepper and continue to fry wire about 1 minute.

seven, sweet and sour pork ribs practice
material: a small row of soft white sugar anise ginger scallion soy sauce salt and sesame soy vinaigrette
1) wash away the blood of small row , the stamp into 4cm pieces.
2) pot into the amount of water, open water into a small row, after boiling foam Piediao. Add scallion, ginger and star anise. Simmer until soft, small row (50 minutes), remove and drain water.

3) of oil in the wok fire, 5 minutes hot chanel handbags online shop, add chops,

fry until golden on both sides with the fire. Remove, the network down in the drain basket oil

4) pot add a little water and soft white sugar, soft white sugar over low heat to boil slowly until the surface of the foam, the color gradually turn yellow, add salt, soy sauce soy sauce, vinegar, mix well, it boiled dark red, and then discharged into a small stir fried, so that each row are small soup packages. (This is the dish, the most crucial step!)

5) pan, scattered some of the sesame seeds, hot and cold utilities, can ha!

absolutely important tips:
sugar in the brewed color when the time not too long, a slight change in color should be in time into the sauce into a small row, otherwise it becomes a candied ribs .
eight, sweet & sour cabbage practice
ingredients: cabbage bang 500 g / 1 onion / red pepper 8 / 3 tablespoons vinegar / soy sauce 1 tablespoon sugar 2 tablespoons salt 1 teaspoon, a little water, starch, sesame oil 1 / 2 teaspoon
1) cabbage bang wash, cut from the middle, then tilted 30 degrees angle of the knife slice the cabbage into thin children.
2) green onions cut back. Red pepper, wipe with a paper towel, cut back.
3) pot into the oil until the oil 5 into hot, add red pepper, chili flavor burst immediately after into the onion, then pour the cabbage stir fry 1 minute. Then turn into vinegar, soy sauce, sugar and salt, stir fry 3 minutes, until the cabbage soup out after, Drizzle water, starch, stirring with a shovel thicken along the same direction, and finally Drizzle sesame oil, stir fry click.
cabbage bang wash, cut from the middle, then tilted 30 degrees angle of the knife slice the cabbage into thin children.
onion cut back. Red pepper, wipe with a paper towel, cut back.

vinegar 3 tablespoons soy sauce 1 tablespoon sugar 2 tablespoons water 1 teaspoon salt, starch
a little sesame oil 1 / 2 teaspoon

pot into the oil until the oil 5 into hot, add red pepper, chili flavor burst immediately after into the onion, then pour the cabbage stir fry 1 minute. Then turn into vinegar, soy sauce, sugar and salt, stir fry 3 minutes, until the cabbage soup out after, Drizzle water, starch, stirring with a shovel thicken along the same direction, and finally Drizzle sesame oil, stir fry click.

IX Rugby Cornish practice
broken green beans raw materials: meat, diced green onion, garlic green beans olive dish chop pepper salt, sugar, soy sauce, cooking wine

raw chicken does not write the specific weight, and Well this dish is very simple, according to their own taste, free to adjust the amount of raw materials, Ha! With Duojiao and Lam Choi, ye would do the delicious!
1) Pour a little wine in the meat, stirring spare.

2) choose to go green beans ribs, washed and cut into pellets.

3) into the oil pot, heat the fire heated to 7 points, into the green beans, stir-fry, Sheng out of standby.

4) delves into the oil pan, the spring onion and garlic flavor burst, into the meat, stir fry until off students.

5) filled out the back of the green beans back in the skillet, turn into rugby vegetables, chop pepper,

soy sauce, salt, sugar, stir fry 2 minutes, transferred to a little chicken to the pan before.

ten, homemade wooden practice
be meat raw materials: dried white back fungus 3 yellow 10 g dry pork loin 300 g
cucumber 1 onion 8 eggs 2
spices: cooking wine 1 / 2 teaspoon (3ml) soy sauce 1 tablespoon (15ml) salt 1 / 2 teaspoon (3 grams) sesame oil 1 / 4 teaspoon (1ml) starch 1 / 2 teaspoon (3 grams) sugar 1 / 2 teaspoon (3 grams) water starch 2 tablespoons (30ml)
1) and yellow fungus with cold water soak 1 hour, respectively, the bubble after the wash. Fungus hand torn piece, yellow cut into segments. Onion slices. After brushing cucumber cut into diamond pieces.
2) will be pork loin cut into thin slices, mixed with wine and starch grasp what, preserved for 5 minutes. Beat eggs, add a little water and few drops of wine.

3) into the oil pan, the fire heated up to 70% hot, pour the egg mixture, using a shovel quick draw casual, filled out after a good fry.
4) pot and then pour the oil, oil heat, add onion pieces until fragrant, pour the pork loin pieces fry color, and yellow pieces into the fungus stir fry a few paragraphs, transferred to the soy sauce, salt, sugar and a little water and continue to fry for 2 minutes.

5) Pour the egg and cucumber slices, stir evenly, Drizzle water, starch can thicken.

XI practice
beef sauce ingredients: foreleg cow key sub-1000 grams
cloves, pepper, anise, dried tangerine peel, cumin, cinnamon, bay leaves, licorice (the little) < br> 3 green onions, ginger, soy sauce 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon salt 2 tablespoons five-spice powder 1 / 2 teaspoon
1) key sub-washed bovine forelegs , cut into 10cm square chunks. Pot into the water, the fire heated, the beef into the boiling water boil, remove later, soak in cold water, so beef crunch.
2) the cloves, pepper, anise, orange peel, fennel, licorice box into the sauce (or homemade gauze material package, cinnamon and bay leaves as easy to pick it up, but also directly into the pot). Wash and cut three green onions. Wash the ginger, a knife loose.
3) the amount of water into the casserole, heat the fire, turn into the spices, ginger, soy sauce, soy sauce, sugar, allspice. Boiled into the beef, continue to use high heat for about 15 minutes into the small fire to the meat cooked. Tie look with chopsticks, you can smoothly pass through. Remove the beef pieces, placed in ventilated, cool place for 2 hours.
4) will be cooling a good beef, boil the soup into the small fire simmer for half an hour. After dishing out baked, cooled and cut into thin slices can be.
wordy about:

second step in the cold water immersion method is critical, try not to omit ha, or boiled meat would be more loose, taste slightly worse.
the third step of placing the cooling method, if you think too long, just let cool completely on the line, but this step is also very important cattle oh ~ ~
foreleg key sub-washed, cut into 10cm square chunks. Pot into the water, the fire heated, the beef into the boiling water boil, remove later, soak in cold water, so beef crunch.

the cloves, pepper, anise, orange peel, fennel, licorice box into the sauce (or homemade gauze material package, cinnamon and bay leaves as easy to pick it up, but also directly into the pot). Wash and cut three green onions. Wash the ginger, a knife loose.
soy sauce 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon salt 2 tablespoons five-spice powder 1 / 2 teaspoon

the casserole into the amount of water, fire heat, turn into the spices, ginger, soy sauce, soy sauce, sugar, allspice. Boiled into the beef, continue to use high heat for about 15 minutes into the small fire to the meat cooked. Tie look with chopsticks, you can smoothly pass through. Remove the beef pieces, placed in ventilated, cool place for 2 hours.

will cool a good beef, boil the soup into the small fire simmer for half an hour.

After dishing out stew, cut into thin slices can be cool.

XII fish-flavored eggplant pot approach
material: long eggplant 2, pig meat, 60 grams carrots 100 grams, 100 grams bamboo shoots, mushrooms 2 large flowers.
Ingredients: diced green onion 15 grams, ginger 10 grams, 15 grams garlic, bean paste 1 tablespoon sesame oil 1 / 2 teaspoon soy sauce, soy sauce and 1 / 2 teaspoon salt 1 / 2 teaspoon sugar 1 tea spoon.
bacon Ingredients: cornstarch 1 / 2 teaspoon soy sauce 1 / 2 teaspoon salt 1 / 4 teaspoon cooking wine 1 / 4 teaspoon pepper to taste.
starch water: 1 teaspoon cornstarch, 2 tablespoons water.
1, eggplant, peeled, cut into 7cm long, 2cm square strips.
2, pork meat marinated for 20 minutes adding seasonings, mushrooms advance hair with warm water Houqie Si, carrots, bamboo shoots, shredded.
3, a pot of half a catty oil, burning 7 into the heat, add the fried eggplant, during which remain in the fire and turning to avoid fried paste.
4, eggplant, golden yellow, soft to the chopsticks to poke through the time until golden, pressing with a spoon when fishing pressure, can control the more oil, or fried in a boiling pot of a good boil eggplant Click to remove excess oil, then remove and drain water.

, frying pan put a little oil, heated to 70% hot, add garlic and stir-fry flavor, then add diced green onion, ginger and continue stir-fried bean paste.
6, add the marinated meat, stir fry, then add bamboo shoots, carrots and mushrooms wire, stir-fried.
7, the shredded bamboo shoots, carrots and mushrooms wire fry, fried eggplant into the bar, transferred to soy sauce, soy sauce, salt, sugar and broth.
8, the fire till the eggplant and full of tasty when cooked, transferred to chicken, then water, starch hook thin gravy, Drizzle sesame oil
9, containing a small casserole into the pre-burns (Clay Pot) above. Cover casserole topped with chili, add a small fire stew for 5 minutes, sprinkle chopped green onion and serve hot to eat.

XIII practice
raw pork meat: pork (previous buttocks) pork sauce, sugar, soy sauce garlic wine velvet
1) the pork cut into 4cm, thickness of 2cm, length 10cm the meat section.
2) the pork sauce into the bowl, Sprinkle garlic, cooking wine, sugar and soy sauce, stir into sauce.
3) Soak the meat in the sauce, so that every part of a uniform covered with sauce. Close the lid and placed in the refrigerator cold for 2 days.
4) code on the marinated meat on the grill, leaving the middle of the gap, to facilitate the heat evenly. Paved the bottom of the oven put a foil pan for easy grease filled drip down and sauces.
5) oven to 200 degrees, after the meat into the warm-up, first bake 20 minutes. Then come up upside down, painted a layer of sauce, the oven temperature to 240 degrees and continue baking 20 minutes.

fourth, the practice of
raw homemade tofu: tofu, peas, corn sugar, salt, soy sauce, mushrooms, carrots, chicken fungus starch
1) tofu slices. Turn on the water pot, boil the fire, the tofu and (corn, carrots, mushrooms and peas) boiled.

2) into the oil, till the 6 into the hot, fry the tofu pieces on both sides golden pot, filled the oil reserve.

3) pot, put onions, Stir the fragrance, will (carrots, corn, mushrooms and peas) and the fungus wok stir-fry, then add tofu pieces.

4) then into the hot mushroom soup, a little soy sauce, a little sugar and a pinch of salt and continue to stir fry for one minute. Finally, water, starch, starch, scatter chicken can be.

* (if you're using fresh mushrooms, in step 4 you can directly add water!)
* (before the food pan, pour a little sesame oil, Cai Cai Oh, the taste will be more fragrant! comrades even if the fear of fat!)
fifth, saliva practice
raw chicken: three yellow wine onion garlic ginger soy sauce, chili powder, salt, sweet and sour
1) Wash chicken, Zhancheng block. The water will boil before the ginger wine have added to the pot. After the water into the chicken cook for 10 minutes. Cooking time not too long, so chicken more tender.

2) cooked chicken immediately into cold water, preferably ice water excited about. This fine leather slip tight, crunchy not easy to loose bad.

3) Cong Jiangsuan washed chanel bags 2011, chopped. Remove from heat, pour oil until 6 into the hot, add Cong Jiangsuan pieces, stir-fried flavor, turn off the heat, into the chili powder, precipitated out of the oil drain is marked up. (Note: If no filter will be after Cong Jiangsuan remove, and then the oil into the chili powder.)
4) Remove the chicken from ice water and drain, cut into small pieces, into the dish .

5) the soy sauce, salt, sugar, vinegar and mix two spoonfuls of marked, even after mixing, pour in the chicken above. According to your own taste, can be equipped with some of the parsley, scallions, sesame seeds. If not, without also OK!

XVI burning two winter practice
ingredients: fresh bamboo shoots, fresh mushrooms, onion salt, sugar chanel handbags purses, soy sauce chicken
1) the child or the piece bamboo shoots cut into segments child, spare. Wash the mushrooms soaked with salt water, cut back.
2) fire pot add the oil until the oil 6 into hot, add chopped green onion until fragrant.
3) into the block of bamboo shoots and mushrooms stir fry a while, pour soy sauce into the fire seal stew for 5 minutes.
4) open the lid, sugar, salt and continue to stir fry for 2 minutes, sprinkle a little chicken to pan.

