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This is a company to recruit new staff one of the test questions ... ...

you drive a car .

in a stormy night .

you through a station.

three people waiting for buses.

is a dying old man , a good poor .

one is a doctor, he had saved your life , is the great benefactor , your dreams repay him.

there is a woman / man , she / he is the kind of dream you want to marry / married people may miss no.

but your car can only take one person, how would you choose that ? Please explain your reasons.

you read the following carefully before you consider it :

I do not know if this is not a test of your character , because each answer has his own reasons .
old man was dying , you should first be to save him .

However , each of the last old man can only die as their terminal , you let the doctor on the train , because he saved you, you think this is a good opportunity to repay him.

the same time as some people think that sometime in the future to repay him, but once you missed this opportunity , you may never encounter a person you had such a heart .

the 200 candidates , only one person is hired , he did not explain his reasons , he just said the following words

the elderly to the hospital , and I stay with my dreams with waiting for the bus ! .

whether it is because we never thought of giving up our hands already have the advantage of ( car keys )?

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