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worried that the pain, who know?

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; ; ; saw him on the line, off the assembly line in silence, let him find.

; ; ; see him online, hidden in silence, not really a stranger.

; ; ; saw him on the line, he looked at his picture, would like to delete can not be deleted, want to stay can not stay.

; ; ; see him online, he could not speak to him, to see can not see, care can not think.

afraid it kind of barrier, to fear the kind of recognition, but obviously very familiar with the strange distance.

to fear the kind of scene, to fear not meet the kind of care met each other's scenes.

until that day, I left you happy than ever, his face always with a smile.

until that day, not me, other people around you, his face filled with happiness.

until that day, QQ chat, you are not looking for me, see my head did not feel.

until that day, want to want you, you do not know, I can not even dial phone numbers.

until that day, in the corner, in a dream, eyes open, eyes closed, you are among the Mirage.

until that day, I heard your message, mouth smiling radii footwear online, but their hearts are in the blood.

until that day, saw the missed call, you may dial the wrong, but deceive yourself that you want me.


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order to prevent other people look down, I must not be soft-hearted, even if the poor people around the world I do not.

be strong, because he is not so pitiful.

happy, because there are so many people care about it.

can not he or she says, and so will lose a lot of. Treasure must not be lost, must not yield to hate.

I firmly believe that there will be personal to the birth of my bully.

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many want to say Oh!

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Comrades, do not forget me.

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