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Wolfberry recipe collection

Modern medical research shows:

wolfberry has immunomodulatory, anti-oxidation, anti-aging, anti-tumor purple supra tk society, anti-fatigue, lowering blood pressure, lowering blood sugar, blood pressure, kidney, liver, eyesight, beauty , brain, detoxification, protection of the reproductive system, anti-radiation damage sixteen functions.

spring, rebirth, the human body yang gradually ascending. Wolfberry sweet flat up, spring can be taken alone, but also with sweet and tepid while taking the goods, helping yang hair growth, such as Astragalus.

summer, people are always eager to eliminate the heat a pot of tea Gan Liang, wolfberry fruit is sweet, if compatibility chrysanthemum, honeysuckle, green tea, etc., feel relaxed and happy after drinking. In particular, compatibility with the chrysanthemum, can Yin eyesight, clear anger.

fall, air dry, people always feel dry mouth, lip, skin debris, with a lot of moisturizer is difficult to resist the blows of autumn. This season, eat nourishing food needs with medlar, such as Sydney, fritillary, lily, Polygonatum, etc., better. Of course, also be equipped with some acidic foods, such as hawthorn, etc., to achieve the

winter, people will be wrapped into a thick coat themselves in order to help their yang against the cold. Wolfberry can be reinforcing yang, daily dose, especially compatibility lamb, Cistanche, Morinda, Pill, etc. used together, help the body's yang growth, natural resistance to cold.

wolfberry Magical
1. for the treatment of male infertility: night Take medlar 15 grams of washed Juefu to even served a month for a course, but also sustainable take several treatments, medication should be appropriate section of ring intercourse.

2. for the treatment of obesity: a day to take 30 grams medlar washed with boiling water when the tea service, morning and evening, even for four months to obtain a better lipid-lowering weight loss, and no side effects.

3. for the adjuvant treatment of Diabetes (diabetes mellitus): 100 grams of washed medlar, steamed chewing, each 10 grams, 3 times a day, long-term use, this can be assisted lowering blood glucose and only exhaust the power consumption.

4. for the treatment of elderly thirsty at night: night Take medlar 30 grams Wash Juefu, even for 10 days is generally effective, if necessary, continuous take.

5. high blood pressure, diabetes: with a medlar 15 grams per day, decoction of tea, dressed in uniforms and effective.

6. night blindness, vision loss: medlar 6 grams, 6 grams of white chrysanthemums, soaked cup of tea.

7. liver deficiency eye pain, tearing the wind, Yunqing cover the eye, cataract embolism: medlar 250 grams, the amount of rice wine, immersed in jars, sealed after 1-2 months, the daily After the amount of drinking water, 2 times a day.

8. wolfberry wolfberry kidney choice Yang Shen Tang: 30 grams medlar Christian Louboutin for women, Yang Shen, a pair after the boil water and spices stew, soup to eat kidney. Emphasis on the role of tonic Lycium kidney, kidney back pain treatment effect is significant, should be adorned with commonly used.

9. wolfberry wolfberry longan porridge can soothe the nerves: Take 10 grams of wolfberry, longan meat 15 grams, jujube 4, 100 grams of rice, washed with water, porridge eating. This side of the deficiency insomnia is better. Should eat it.

10. wolfberry wolfberry sheep brain brain Pu choice: take wolfberry 250 grams of a sheep brain, into a container, add salt, onion, ginger, cooking wine, steam cooked. A little before eating can Zhuojia MSG seasoning. Should be adorned eat.

11. wolfberry wolfberry walnut Pu UFA choice: take wolfberry 100 grams, 12 walnut, small black beans 100 grams, the amount of water Aozhi Serve rotten beans, let cool, placed in the refrigerator, Daily morning and evening, each serving 15-30 grams after heating.

12. and vomiting of pregnancy: medlar, skullcap, 50 grams. Cover Cigang home, washed with boiling water dip, until the temperature frequently Beverage when, after drinking the boiling water and then washed to more degrees.

13. chronic atrophic gastritis: Select Ningxia wolfberry fruit wash cheap ugg, dry break-packing, 20 grams per day, divided into 2 smaller than the fasting Juefu, 2 months of a course of treatment.

14. treatment of presbyopia, can refer to the following recipe: Take a spoonful of high-quality wolfberry, rinse into a cup, and then blended with water. Wait two or three minutes when the water temperature cools, then add a spoonful of honey, stir well before drinking. Daily early morning, before going to bed drink a cup of each, two months can be effective.

wolfberry has increased the role of immunity can be fine and strong qi, nourishing the liver and kidney, anti-aging, only diabetes, warm the body, anti-tumor effect.

wolfberry have lower blood pressure, blood lipids and blood sugar, can prevent atherosclerosis, protect the liver against fatty liver and promote liver regeneration.

The crowd:
food for everyone, overuse, more suitable for the elderly.

applicable amount:
about 100 grams per day.

Special Note:
a down-the wolfberry has changed, not edible.

medlar taken all year round, winter should be porridge, Xiaji Yi tea.

healthy traffic lights:
wolfberry relatively mild nature, eating a little more without problems, but if unchecked, is eating too much but will get angry.

remedies cure presbyopia
formula is as follows: a medium-sized potatoes, peeled; a peeled apple; a medium-sized peeled tomatoes; thick carrots, peeled length. On the mixer, Jiaocheng cup, that is the best drink. Eat two or three months, not only crystal clear skin, and magic, and more small word to see, see, crystal clear, no access to reading glasses.

If you start

presbyopia, astigmatism, or blurred vision, they can try this recipe, even the dregs drink every morning, physically fit men and women young and old.

massage treatment of presbyopia, specific massage methods are as follows:

1. eyebrows with both hands, massage the middle finger back and forth 20 times;

2. with four fingers of both hands to massage both sides of the eyes 20 times;

3. middle finger with both hands, massage the bridge of the nose from the bottom 20;

4. middle finger with both hands, massage the temples 20 times clockwise, then counterclockwise 20 times;

5. thumb massage the ears with both hands, 20 times;

6. with both hands, thumb and forefinger and pull the earlobe down 20 times.

long-term adherence to do these six movements, not only can prevent presbyopia, but also to reduce wrinkles, keep a clear head.

wolfberry diet formula:

1. grass Pearl Honey Wolfberry: wolfberry, longan meat 20 grams each, raisins 50 grams, 20 grams of honey, pineapple 200 grams. All of the above rinse with water, into the small bowl of honey and the amount of water into the steamer and steam for 20 minutes. Supplements of longevity, substantial justice, qi and blood.

2. wolfberry loquat paste: medlar, loquat fruit, black sesame seeds, walnuts, 50 grams of honey, the loquat fruit, chopped walnuts, medlar, black sesame seeds soaked in clean water into the pot, fire boiling, simmer 20 minutes, 1 second to take dextrose, liquid water and cook for a total of three times to take the combined decoction, concentrated to paste over low heat, add 1 times the quantity of honey and tries to be cool bottling use, the benefits of lung and kidney tonic, cough moistening level for advanced lung weakness, physical weakness patients.

