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Wolfberry recipe collection

Modern medical research shows:

wolfberry has immunomodulatory, anti-oxidation, anti-aging, anti-tumor purple supra tk society, anti-fatigue, lowering blood pressure, lowering blood sugar, blood pressure, kidney, liver, eyesight, beauty , brain, detoxification, protection of the reproductive system, anti-radiation damage sixteen functions.

spring, rebirth, the human body yang gradually ascending. Wolfberry sweet flat up, spring can be taken alone, but also with sweet and tepid while taking the goods, helping yang hair growth, such as Astragalus.

summer, people are always eager to eliminate the heat a pot of tea Gan Liang, wolfberry fruit is sweet, if compatibility chrysanthemum, honeysuckle, green tea, etc., feel relaxed and happy after drinking. In particular, compatibility with the chrysanthemum, can Yin eyesight, clear anger.

fall, air dry, people always feel dry mouth, lip, skin debris, with a lot of moisturizer is difficult to resist the blows of autumn. This season, eat nourishing food needs with medlar, such as Sydney, fritillary, lily, Polygonatum, etc., better. Of course, also be equipped with some acidic foods, such as hawthorn, etc., to achieve the

winter, people will be wrapped into a thick coat themselves in order to help their yang against the cold. Wolfberry can be reinforcing yang, daily dose, especially compatibility lamb, Cistanche, Morinda, Pill, etc. used together, help the body's yang growth, natural resistance to cold.

wolfberry Magical
1. for the treatment of male infertility: night Take medlar 15 grams of washed Juefu to even served a month for a course, but also sustainable take several treatments, medication should be appropriate section of ring intercourse.

2. for the treatment of obesity: a day to take 30 grams medlar washed with boiling water when the tea service, morning and evening, even for four months to obtain a better lipid-lowering weight loss, and no side effects.

3. for the adjuvant treatment of Diabetes (diabetes mellitus): 100 grams of washed medlar, steamed chewing, each 10 grams, 3 times a day, long-term use, this can be assisted lowering blood glucose and only exhaust the power consumption.

4. for the treatment of elderly thirsty at night: night Take medlar 30 grams Wash Juefu, even for 10 days is generally effective, if necessary, continuous take.

5. high blood pressure, diabetes: with a medlar 15 grams per day, decoction of tea, dressed in uniforms and effective.

6. night blindness, vision loss: medlar 6 grams, 6 grams of white chrysanthemums, soaked cup of tea.

7. liver deficiency eye pain, tearing the wind, Yunqing cover the eye, cataract embolism: medlar 250 grams, the amount of rice wine, immersed in jars, sealed after 1-2 months, the daily After the amount of drinking water, 2 times a day.

8. wolfberry wolfberry kidney choice Yang Shen Tang: 30 grams medlar Christian Louboutin for women, Yang Shen, a pair after the boil water and spices stew, soup to eat kidney. Emphasis on the role of tonic Lycium kidney, kidney back pain treatment effect is significant, should be adorned with commonly used.

9. wolfberry wolfberry longan porridge can soothe the nerves: Take 10 grams of wolfberry, longan meat 15 grams, jujube 4, 100 grams of rice, washed with water, porridge eating. This side of the deficiency insomnia is better. Should eat it.

10. wolfberry wolfberry sheep brain brain Pu choice: take wolfberry 250 grams of a sheep brain, into a container, add salt, onion, ginger, cooking wine, steam cooked. A little before eating can Zhuojia MSG seasoning. Should be adorned eat.

11. wolfberry wolfberry walnut Pu UFA choice: take wolfberry 100 grams, 12 walnut, small black beans 100 grams, the amount of water Aozhi Serve rotten beans, let cool, placed in the refrigerator, Daily morning and evening, each serving 15-30 grams after heating.

12. and vomiting of pregnancy: medlar, skullcap, 50 grams. Cover Cigang home, washed with boiling water dip, until the temperature frequently Beverage when, after drinking the boiling water and then washed to more degrees.

13. chronic atrophic gastritis: Select Ningxia wolfberry fruit wash cheap ugg, dry break-packing, 20 grams per day, divided into 2 smaller than the fasting Juefu, 2 months of a course of treatment.

14. treatment of presbyopia, can refer to the following recipe: Take a spoonful of high-quality wolfberry, rinse into a cup, and then blended with water. Wait two or three minutes when the water temperature cools, then add a spoonful of honey, stir well before drinking. Daily early morning, before going to bed drink a cup of each, two months can be effective.

wolfberry has increased the role of immunity can be fine and strong qi, nourishing the liver and kidney, anti-aging, only diabetes, warm the body, anti-tumor effect.

wolfberry have lower blood pressure, blood lipids and blood sugar, can prevent atherosclerosis, protect the liver against fatty liver and promote liver regeneration.

The crowd:
food for everyone, overuse, more suitable for the elderly.

applicable amount:
about 100 grams per day.

Special Note:
a down-the wolfberry has changed, not edible.

medlar taken all year round, winter should be porridge, Xiaji Yi tea.

healthy traffic lights:
wolfberry relatively mild nature, eating a little more without problems, but if unchecked, is eating too much but will get angry.

remedies cure presbyopia
formula is as follows: a medium-sized potatoes, peeled; a peeled apple; a medium-sized peeled tomatoes; thick carrots, peeled length. On the mixer, Jiaocheng cup, that is the best drink. Eat two or three months, not only crystal clear skin, and magic, and more small word to see, see, crystal clear, no access to reading glasses.

If you start

presbyopia, astigmatism, or blurred vision, they can try this recipe, even the dregs drink every morning, physically fit men and women young and old.

massage treatment of presbyopia, specific massage methods are as follows:

1. eyebrows with both hands, massage the middle finger back and forth 20 times;

2. with four fingers of both hands to massage both sides of the eyes 20 times;

3. middle finger with both hands, massage the bridge of the nose from the bottom 20;

4. middle finger with both hands, massage the temples 20 times clockwise, then counterclockwise 20 times;

5. thumb massage the ears with both hands, 20 times;

6. with both hands, thumb and forefinger and pull the earlobe down 20 times.

long-term adherence to do these six movements, not only can prevent presbyopia, but also to reduce wrinkles, keep a clear head.

wolfberry diet formula:

1. grass Pearl Honey Wolfberry: wolfberry, longan meat 20 grams each, raisins 50 grams, 20 grams of honey, pineapple 200 grams. All of the above rinse with water, into the small bowl of honey and the amount of water into the steamer and steam for 20 minutes. Supplements of longevity, substantial justice, qi and blood.

2. wolfberry loquat paste: medlar, loquat fruit, black sesame seeds, walnuts, 50 grams of honey, the loquat fruit, chopped walnuts, medlar, black sesame seeds soaked in clean water into the pot, fire boiling, simmer 20 minutes, 1 second to take dextrose, liquid water and cook for a total of three times to take the combined decoction, concentrated to paste over low heat, add 1 times the quantity of honey and tries to be cool bottling use, the benefits of lung and kidney tonic, cough moistening level for advanced lung weakness, physical weakness patients.


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  记者昨日从警方处了解到,从接到第一个报警电话到汪某电话投案自首,仅仅只有4分钟左右的时间。接到报警后 ugg classic boots,扬中警方立即全城布控,一线巡逻的民警迅速向事发地点聚集。汪某投案自首的电话刚刚放下,便被民警控制。





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(Reporter Zhang Yuan) house that his father inherited by only one brother, and made a notarized will, brother to the courts to require revocation of an order notary public certificate, and compensation for loss of 150,000 yuan inheritance . The day before yesterday morning, Fangshan Court Yanshan court hearing of the case.


the process of deposit certificate issued by the fault

fee plaintiff alleged that Spring River, December 19, 2007, his father died of illness in 2008, his brother Cazenove in Beijing to produce his father's will notarized, will be located in Fangshan District, Yanshan Xing took Cyril's transfer to the name of a housing estate. Since then, the fee to the Notary Office to apply for review of Spring River, complained to the notary associations are not supported.

review obligations. Meanwhile, the certificate is based on a will written by the notary, scrivener will not meet the statutory requirements in effect, is not valid will.

trial, the plaintiffs also pointed out that in the next record in about three or more altered Louboutin sale, it is clear that is scraped with a knife after the original write-up of the word. So, that notary public issued a certificate in the process of significant fault, resulting in the loss of existing legal right of inheritance. Accordingly, asked the court to revoke notary public certificate, and compensation for loss of 15 million.


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Cazenove accused Beijing Notary Office to provide a reception to the court transcripts and field recording boots ugg, that the notary process not illegal, and according to relevant provisions of the Said the notary, notary process, remove the notary, there are other notaries present.

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court asked the parties whether mediation, the plaintiffs said they did not mediation.

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According to the Municipal Justice Bureau, Beijing notary found nearly three years of false material certificate fraud cases were 203, of which fake ID cards in the largest proportion of false materials, the main issues related to the notary for the wills, inheritance, commission, material accounting fraud false notarization of 80%.


supra tk society shoes-Family members said doctors do to patients with gastric cancer surgery Splene

patient's stomach surgery, operating room after the introduction of the spleen was suddenly bleeding, dangerous moment, the doctor re-operation, the spleen removed. Why spleen rupture? Surgeon in the disease-chi said the spleen and omentum adhesion, in the stretch process result in tearing. Subsequently, due to elevated blood pressure, leading to the spleen suture crack. The family members of patients, said doctors in the operation, surgical knife to the spleen, which leads to the above results. After the incident, the surgeon has said he is willing to take the 5000 dollars, as compensation. This is family members of patients as This has kept 5,000 dollars in compensation because the spleen was removed confusing.

is still in the hospital for discharged patients

yesterday morning, Liu Yuqin side in the hospital bed, her body is very weak, very low voice. However, hospitalized patients in the hospital on the list, she is not listed. At 8:00 on September 21, the hospital department has been fully discharged to its handling procedures, but why she still has to

accidental. Liu Yuqin is Zhuanghe City, four people Suncun Liu Tun, 51, in early August this year, she felt particularly hurt the stomach, eat something. In mid-August, Liu Yuqin her daughter under the leadership of Li Pang, Dalian Central Hospital to do a gastroscopy, the initial judge was stomach cancer, doctors recommended surgery as soon as possible.

discussed by the family, August 20, Liu Yuqin admitted to another hospital in Dalian, do they think the hospital would be better gastric surgery.

8 月 26 日 12 At 1240 hours Liu Yuqin pushed the operating room, in the finish after general anesthesia, doctors cut a hole in his abdomen, removal of part of the gastric lesions.

outside the operating room, the family is anxiously waiting for Liu Yuqin. Pang Zhenhai her husband is upset, kept rubbing his hands.

waiting for 3 hours and 55 minutes later, the surgeon finally came out from the operating room, he went to the families, said: pushed back to the ward from the operating room, anesthesiologist told family members, general anesthesia for patients to talk to her more.

sudden bleeding spleen was eventually removed

Pang Li recalled, at the beginning, the mother of her questioning can not answer, just sounds a bit small, has also been said that In this process, blood pressure monitoring equipment functions sudden alarm rang, Feng Li up to find the ward doctor. After the doctor came, took a look and said all right, but the instrument is still in the ring.

After a child, Liu Yuqin not speak, a little coma. Pang Lai glanced about the capacity of the left side of 1000 ml drainage bag to find that the blood is full. Ward doctors came, too, that the situation is not good, Liu Yuqin was quickly into the operating room.

hospital emergency and contact the surgeon has to work, Pang Lai said the surgeon's phone off, and they become even more anxious to know and later by other means to contact the hospital surgeon, who immediately return to the hospital.

surgery again began, during which the surgeon came out from the operating room to tell their families, in the first surgery, the spleen and omental adhesions, because the stretch, the spleen was torn open a hole, now Because blood pressure is too high, the spleen suture crack, so patients are forced to splenectomy. Pang Lai immediately questioned, the mother is not high blood pressure. Surgeon said:

before and after the two operations took 78 hours, the surgeon came out the body sweat supra tk society shoes, all wet.

5000 yuan compensation doctors have said

next morning, the first operation of the anesthesiologist to identify the Liu Yuqin ICU situation. Feng Li said christian louboutin barbie, the anesthesiologist revealed a detail, the latter said, during surgery, scalpel accidentally cut into the spleen, the doctor was stitching an emergency, having observed a half-hour later, the patient found it all right introduced. Subsequently, the surgeon came to explain the reasons for the initiative, a suture, such an important thing, why do not doctors tell their families? In this regard, the surgeon said: Now we can spend beyond the affordable range, the hospital will not stop the treatment?

9 月 21 日 a work, notify the family surgeon, said the next day is the Mid-Autumn Festival, the first patient can not return to rest up christian louboutin patent leather pumps, so check back over these days. Can then nurse came to inform Liu Yuqin can be discharged, the hospital has been completed for discharge procedures. Li Pang was very indignant, and her family immediately asked the surgeon to find the issue of compensation. Surgeon said: She immediately be rejected. Pang Li introduced the first surgery in a couple of million dollars should be spent, and now spent 71,000 they still owed the hospital more than 30,000. What exactly is the money generated by the first operation cost, which is the second surgery, the costs incurred, not tell. As a result, she believes that the compensation amount too small.

spleen gap because both sides argued

correspondent record in the first surgery, see the following statement: cut off the right gastroepiploic artery and vein, points to the spleen to the left the door, pull to the spleen because at higher tearing about 3 cm. Doctors then take to stop bleeding, packing, after inspection to determine the non-active bleeding after the surgery to proceed. Thus, causing Liu Yuqin torn spleen because the spleen and the surrounding omentum adhesion, in the stretch process result in tearing. In the hospital's surgical informed consent, possible accidents and complications of the situation is contained,

for this statement, Feng Li did not agree. She said that the anesthesiologist had told them, was the first surgery, the scalpel accidentally cut into the spleen, torn a hole. As a result, they believe that this is a medical malpractice. She also said that if a doctor is not at fault, there is no reason to compensation of 5,000 yuan, and in the case of arrears, the hospital is not a reminder.

Feng Li told reporters that they provided a recording of the dialogue with the surgeon, she asked: For why bleeding? Doctors explained that they were stitched on the spleen, but rose to 190 patients with high-pressure, low pressure rise to 130, blood pressure, a job lead to suture of collapse.

hospital has started investigation process

Dalian medical doctors, who declined to be named, said the stomach and spleen of the two organizations very far away, is not connected, in the interval some retinal tissue, generally do very little stomach surgery will not hurt the spleen. The doctors, if there adhesions, routinely using tissue forceps peel adhesion, little by little tear, will be very careful, if not heavy adhesion, does not cause the spleen is torn. Meanwhile, according to the doctor's surgery Chi Liu Yuqin disease records describe that injury to the spleen with a scalpel is unlikely. But that, under normal circumstances, the spleen appeared cracks, such as the disposal properly, tightly stitched, blood pressure, the pressure point that will not cause cracks crack. identification.

Yesterday, the reporter went to the hospital together with Pang Li Medical Services, an official said, according to the regulations, they have to come up within 15 working days of the findings, but because the case of Mid-Autumn Festival Therefore, the earliest in The official said they had launched an internal investigation procedures, a written report issued by a doctor to inform the parties, but not pay up, may initiate judicial proceedings, or by the health administrative departments to come forward to solve.


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As of last night, the Beijing Municipal Education Commission, Education Examination, Mentougou Zikao Ban has not yet responded to the incident.

She said the morning of the examination period, two invigilator stare very tight, walk around the outside Xunkao more frequently, if it is found or information was out of phone book, and immediately confiscated records on the list. New Bridge Middle School, Park Middle School Education candidates confirmed yesterday the examination room began to discipline chanel purses authentic, thorough investigation of the candidates to cheat.

Self, according to an agency's source said, the day before cheating during the intermediary who got four or five gunmen, hiding in a nearby building two high school office, the opening test, the agency came up with papers, gunmen division of labor, quickly answered the question, will answer the letter with a mass flight to the candidates customers.

last night, the staff Mentougou Zikao Ban said, no right to answer any questions, go to an interview with Beijing Education Examination Authority.

Subsequently, the reporter repeatedly call the Beijing Education Examination Authority and the Beijing Municipal Education Commission responsible person calls, but has not yet responded.

■ lawyers say

Beijing Wan Teng Law Firm Zhang Huali counsel, the examination reveal the answer, Self intermediary allegedly leaking state secrets, if verified, based on their content and have been leaked How much profit should be sentenced to three years. The cheating problem of students equal to the intermediary to buy, will be subject to administrative sanctions, and its achievements in all subjects should be all set aside a certain period of time shall not participate in similar examinations. In addition, candidates will answer questions if you buy and then leaked to others, also suspected of leaking state secrets, shall be punished by three years.

■ news

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Yesterday, the Beijing People's Bank of China Telephone TV Education Centre teaching point (hereinafter referred to as the People's Bank of teaching point) of workers said Beijing Municipal Education Commission issued last month dealing with fraud notice of the teaching point is canceled, workers have to leave.

7 11, the People's Bank of teaching point final exam, the occurrence of Later, Beijing Education Commission, Liu Limin to the scene. (Newspaper has reported continuous), September, Beijing Education Commission issued the results ugg gloves womens, the People's Bank of teaching points cancel.


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