
christian louboutin platform pump-Wenzhou, a debt , said the boss did not show up on foot For 4 year

The picture shows a large pharmacy chain Co., Ltd. Wenzhou Blue Sky legal representative of Mao into the bell, had transferred

BEIJING, Wenzhou, October 15 (Reporter Zheng Zhao Xiaoyan its strict ancient) September 22, Wenzhou, local forum post said it was Wenzhou Blue Sky 43-year-old legal representative of a large pharmacy chain, Ltd. Zhong Mao into the boss quickly landing Wenzhou Great Escape list. For a time the headquarters of many creditors went to the blue sky, blue sky dispensing several pharmaceutical companies to be sent after the message arrived at the blue sky to move back to drugs.

minutes into Mao claimed to be of clinical graduate Zhejiang Medical University, 2004 to enter the drugstore industry, previously, he worked at several hospitals, the pharmaceutical industry are very familiar with the upstream and downstream, so the pharmacy opening was so smooth, four-year opened four stores in each store are profitable, then in order to grow, into the bell in 2008, Mao set up a large pharmacy chain Co., Ltd. Wenzhou Blue Sky, there's now more than 30 chain stores.

Zhong Mao into the statistics, the blue sky Dispensary now owe the bank loans $ 8 million, a record of private lending funds to be investigated about 2,000 million, total debt more than 3,000 yuan.

why funds strand breaks in trouble, Chung that because of high input chain, slow profitable business model specific, blue chain opened three years for the card supra skytop sneakers, shop, maintenance operations and other projects, probably the pre-investment There Siwuqianwan, but the value of the brand will take time to reflect.

minutes ago while private lending is the main source of local villagers, the interest in the company for about 2.5-3 hours, but the monetary tightening, the villagers also get a house mortgage loans do not pay, only to borrow six minutes into the Mao seven of usury, by a whole year, and finally unsustainable.

It is understood that the company has set up a blue sky clearing preparatory group will be divided into six steps to liquidate.

say, if it can sustain, they are willing to do the shareholders.

Bell said some creditors have been settled intention to stake the blue sky, and set up a nine-person team, retired post office employee Poon Sum (a pseudonym) is one of the members.

According to Poon Sum introduction, three pen lent his bell 500 million.

However, Poon Sum and other creditors, or take the initiative to take care of 9.8 million as the blue sky of a number of drug purchases.

minutes live on forever in a safe area, Longwan, mostly immigrants Longwan Wenzhou Taishun moved villagers. A villager told this reporter, the village more than 90 minutes into Mao's creditors, most people will mortgage loan to the bank women supra shoes, then lend minutes.

According to the villagers say, Zhong Mao into their ten years of fellow neighbors, / p>

good reputation among the villagers into the bell Mao had many days without adequate sleep. strong, things have taken place on the face, with the very last.


Bell even became a driver, In addition, the bell for the company and even yourself changing light bulbs, and Bell's wife, now also go to the store to help.

Recently, Zhong Jin Mao has found five pharmaceutical companies, and write letters of assurance p> money, this is something that worldly possessions will be stressful to pound into the bell-mao, a few days is a day of wages, Zhong Jin Mao said.

minutes into Mao said he remains optimistic about the blue sky of the business model and hope that the normal operation of the company, four years to pay off debt. Tomorrow go to their district government put Longwan application, request for financial loans, the government hopes to have more relief measures.

Zhong Jin Mao said. Reporters noted that during the interview there is always next few sturdy man wearing sunglasses christian louboutin platform pump, the reporter was informed that they are loan-sharking to the bell of the security company of people. (End)

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