
classic ugg boots-U.S. study says men Dangdie hormone pills after the desire to reduce greatly reduc

BEIJING, Sept. 14 , according to Taiwan honest .

Gu radii sneakers, associate professor of anthropology at Northwestern University, Savoie said, he got six hundred 21 -year-old Filipino male , track their hormone pills . After five years of study white supra shoes, one third of children. Test found that five years older larger group of men because , pill less on average by 14% prime . However, a father of men , hormone pills greatly reduced 34%. In which children actively involved in the male hormone pills down even more.

care Savoie said classic ugg boots, a day to help children one to three hours of men , hormone pills down the most . He said they will continue to track these men to see pills to help prime the male children will continue to slump.

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